Professional business headshots

Bassam – Professional headshots

Business headshots

Get a professional look online

Professional headshots are the new standard in business. Whether you’re looking for a new position or you have just been hired to a new company, updating your online profile photos can give your branding a huge boost.

Companies are googling new hires and checking LinkedIn is a standard recruitment process. 

Look your best with quality business headshots.

Professional business headshots

I met with Bassam on location at a park near his workplace for his headshot photo session. We took some photos in the park with greenery in the background. I also took him to a nearby location with more neutral stone structures in the background. This provided a variety of backgrounds to choose from for his final choice of images.

This photoshoot was short and sweet and within 30 minutes Bassam was on his way.

In just a few days, he had selected his images and I provided him with the retouched files.

A quick and easy way to update his professional presence online.

Professional business headshots

CASE STUDY: An investment portfolio manager was looking for new professional business headshots

LOCATION: Square Dorchester in downtown Montreal 

CATEGORY: Headshots

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